so, it finally happened. i finally managed to sit in front of a camera and get a video done for this project. thanks to Chito "Kwestone" Arellano for putting up with my fear and hatred of cameras and speaking. ha.
so here are the pledge levels.
pretty self explanatory.
Kickstarter My Heart is a combination of a few things. obviously, i used the Kickstarter colors, but the heart is a nod to the Energy Meter Heart from Zelda, and whole idea is a play on Motley Crue's song Kickstart My Heart. yes, i used to listen to Motley Crue way back when.
the black version, ooohh.
the Gold version. ooooh, with metallic label. oooooooooohhhhh!
this is a brand new version of Mini 10-Doh!, but without labels, instead they have a insert with graphics printed on both sides. 2 of the Ultra Rare figures in Series2 will be similar to this bad boy.
each one of these pretty white label will get mucked up with little sketch by me. i might even take requests. ha.
the combo pack for people that don't like black or gold figures, but you get a sketch and a clear one. woohoo!
the best way to get all of the exclusives. and a blind box of course.
the easiest way to get a complete set of Series2. it's pretty difficult to get a complete set as blind purchases. relieve that stress by jumping in at this level. this set will only be available through Kickstarter, so grab one while you can.
so, these are completely Kickstarter Exclusives. these will never be available any other way. so, if no one orders them, they'll never be made. boohoo. don't let that happen. ha.
the main prize here is the 1st Shot. these were the 1st Mini 10-Doh! figures ever made. they are what i looked at and made revisions. they are missing all legal markings (cuz those are add at the end of tooling), the surfaces aren't polished or refined, and the inside doesn't have the friction fit pegs that hold the top together. what all that means is that they are extremely rare and can be made again. i only made 2 available and 1 is already spoken for.
if you've ever attended a convention we've exhibited at, then you've probably seen my Giant 10-Doh! on display. there's only one in existence right now, but that could change, if there are some high rollers out there.
this is the same Giant Sized figure. a whopping 29.5" tall. but now you can choose from any of the other 11 label designs from Series2. you also get a complete set of Series2 and all 5 KS Exclusives.
so much stuff and you get to design a label. if you just have a money tree and don't want to design the label, i'll do the art based on your art direction. what a compromise, right?
there you have it. things are off to a great start and hopefully they continue to go that way.
Kickstarter has some new guidelines that kept me from offering a couple of pledge levels that were really fun. i wanted to offer full case packs, but that wasn't allowed. i'll see if i can make them available as add-ons. the others were high dollar but cool. i'll try to figure out away to make them available.
head over to to pledge and don't forget to spread the word.
if we exceed the goal, i have some great Stretch Goals planned. i hope those get unveiled and reached. but for now let's focus on the main goal. woohoo!